
To engage and empower communities in the process of sustainable ecological conservation by providing suitable knowledge and resources.


  • To setup ex situ conservation plots of at least over 100 Rare, Endangered, Threatened (RET) trees of Western Ghats involving communities.
  • To improve awareness on need for biodiversity conservation
  • To provide technical, knowledge and monetary support for biodiversity conservation initiatives on an ongoing basis 


We believe in contributing to ecological conservation as an “offering” for future generations by collaborating and co creating with other likeminded communities and organizations. Our motto is to create working models of conservation at the grass-root level.


  • Biologically important – those attracting pollinators (bees, butterflies)
  • Wild edible fruits
  • Riverine species
  • Rare, endangered and threatened tree species (RET)
  • Medicinal / utility species


  • Degraded land restoration thus eradication of invasive species
  • Enrichment of coffee estates thus reducing mono cropping of exotic species
  • Riparian buffer enhancement 
  • Medicinal garden/ Butterfly garden


  • Identifying committed individuals, communities , schools , temples for space for ex-situ conservation
  • Creating nature interpretation / learning centre with community involvement
  • Planting and maintaining tree saplings for a minimum of 3 years 
  • Tagging of species for its scientific and local names and documenting the uses
  • Providing local employment and creating local knowledge base on floral species
  • Community awareness