Our Work So Far

Annual Report 2023-2024

Annual Report 2022-2023

Annual Report 2021-22

Restoration Stories Dec 2020

Activity Report (2008-2019)

Project Aranya Phase I (2010-2012) : Completed

This project involved a challenging effort of collecting seeds of RET (Rare Endangered and Threatened) tree Species digging small pond ,  raising nursery, planting and maintaining with the involvement of highly trained and skilled resources. Local land conditions were adverse since it was devoid of tree cover , an open pond was constructed for watering the saplings. Close to 2000 trees were given care for 3 years beyond which all the trees are growing  without maintenance.

Location : Thirunelli Panchayat,  Wayanad ;  Project spend of INR 2.5 Lakhs for planting and maintenance  ; INR 4 lakhs  for infrastructure and fencing


Afforestation activities by Forest First Samithi


Planted in Year 2010 , Thriving in Year 2014
